Some extra works not officially published
Tutorial Getting started with the autotools: a “Hello World” example 2006_autotools_tutorial.pdf (123.69KB) |
Getting started with the autotools: a “Hello World” example
Getting started with the autotools: a “Hello World” example
2006_autotools_tutorial.pdf (123.69KB) |
Supplementary Material Getting started with the autotools (72.68KB) |
Tutorial (in German) Numerische Lösung partieller Differentialgleichungen mit COMSOL Multiphysics - ein Minimalbeispiel 2009_comsol_pde_modes_tutorial.pdf (496.07KB) |
Tutorial (in German)
Numerische Lösung partieller Differentialgleichungen mit COMSOL Multiphysics - ein Minimalbeispiel
Numerische Lösung partieller Differentialgleichungen mit COMSOL Multiphysics - ein Minimalbeispiel
2009_comsol_pde_modes_tutorial.pdf (496.07KB) |
Tutorial Automation of COMSOL Multiphysics parameter studies using the MATLAB LiveLink 2012_comsol_matlab_livelink_tutorial.pdf (137.87KB) |
Automation of COMSOL Multiphysics parameter studies using the MATLAB LiveLink
Automation of COMSOL Multiphysics parameter studies using the MATLAB LiveLink
2012_comsol_matlab_livelink_tutorial.pdf (137.87KB) |
Exercises (in German) Übungsblatt zu Elliptischen Integralen 2013_elliptic_integrals_applications.pdf (373.74KB) |
Exercises (in German)
Übungsblatt zu Elliptischen Integralen
Übungsblatt zu Elliptischen Integralen
2013_elliptic_integrals_applications.pdf (373.74KB) |
Fun Stuff A challenge for simulation tools 2016_shape_memory_tomato.mp4 (1.51MB) |
Exercises Geometric methods in dynamics 2016_samm_exercises.pdf (2.42MB) |
Solutions Geometric methods in dynamics (39.85KB) |
Tutorial A simple time-stepping scheme for the bouncing ball example 2019_moreau_timestepping_tutorial.pdf (224.56KB) |
A simple time-stepping scheme for the bouncing ball example
A simple time-stepping scheme for the bouncing ball example
2019_moreau_timestepping_tutorial.pdf (224.56KB) |
Supplementary Material A simple time-stepping scheme for the bouncing ball (python) (1.52KB) |
Supplementary Material
A simple time-stepping scheme for the bouncing ball (python)
A simple time-stepping scheme for the bouncing ball (python) (1.52KB) |
Supplementary Material A simple time-stepping scheme for an 1-DoF oscillator with friction (python) (1.69KB) |
Supplementary Material
A simple time-stepping scheme for an 1-DoF oscillator with friction (python)
A simple time-stepping scheme for an 1-DoF oscillator with friction (python) (1.69KB) |
Tutorial Paraview animation via Python script (1.14KB) |
Supplementary Material Streamline Upwind Petrov-Galerkin scheme at a simple example (python) (1.54KB) |
Supplementary Material
Streamline Upwind Petrov-Galerkin scheme at a simple example (python)
Streamline Upwind Petrov-Galerkin scheme at a simple example (python) (1.54KB) |
Supplementary Material Truss optimization in 2D (python) (2.46KB) |
Supplementary Material
Truss optimization in 2D (python)
Truss optimization in 2D (python) (2.46KB) |